The Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore (民俗曲藝, Min-su ch’ü-i) was founded in November 1980, its original goal being to publish research reports introducing traditional theatre and folklore in local society. Since 1991, the Journal’s scope has expanded to include Mainland China and examine a broad range of cultural phenomena, particularly religion and ritual.
Since 2002, the Editorial Board has worked to transform the Journal into an internationally recognized academic publication. It is now a quarterly, and is published every March, June, September and December. The Editorial Board welcomes submissions of articles, field reports, or book reviews written in either Chinese or English on the following subjects: regional theatre, music, folklore, religion, and ritual. Authors who submit manuscripts written in English should consult the Journal’s “Submission Guidelines.” For information about manuscripts in Chinese, please see the “Style Guide” (撰稿體例).
PAUL KATZ (Distinguished Research Fellow, Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, Taipei)
Advisory Board:
CH’IU K’UN-LIANG (Professor Emeritus, Taipei National University of the Arts, Taipei)
KENNETH DEAN (Chair Professor and Head, Chinese Studies Department, NUS; Professor Emeritus, McGill University, Montreal)
DAVID JOHNSON (Professor Emeritus, Department of History, University of California, Berkeley)
JOHN LAGERWEY (Professor Emeritus, École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris; Research Professor Emeritus, The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
LI FENG-MAO (Academician, Academia Sinica, Taipei)
WANG CH’IU-KUEI (Professor Emeritus, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu)
Editorial Board:
PHILIP CLART (Professor, Institute of East Asian Studies, Leipzig University, Leipzig)
DAVID HOLM (Professor Emeritus, Department of Ethnology, National Chengchi University, Taipei)
LIN HO-YI (Professor, Department of Drama and Theatre, National Taiwan University, Taipei)
Meir Shahar (Professor, Department of East Asian Studies, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv)
WANG SHIH-PE (Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Taiwan University, Taipei)
WANG SUNG-SHAN (Adjunct Professor, Graduate Institute of Museum Studies, Taipei National University of the Arts, Taipei)
WANG YING-FEN (Distinguished Professor, Graduate Institute of Musicology, National Taiwan University, Taipei)
YANG YUJUN (Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Chung Cheng University, Chiayi)
Guest Editors:
CHANG CHAOJAN (Associate Professor, Department of Religious Studies, Fu Jen Catholic University, New Taipei City)
CHEN MEIWEN (Assistant Professor, Department of Religious Studies, Fu Jen Catholic University, New Taipei City)
LU TASAW HSIN-CHUN (Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Musicology, National Taiwan University, Taipei)
Statement of Ethics and Malpractice
Editorial Office
Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore
Shih Ho-cheng Folk Culture Foundation
Address: 4F, No. 62-3, Hsi-ning N.Rd., Taipei City 103001, Taiwan
Tel: 886-2-25521910, 25523973
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]